Tag Archives: Skill Tiers System

Guild Wars 2 The Skill Tiers System

You mean like 100, or 200? Not really, Level 100 would be a nice round even number but I wouldn’t really think of going further than that, Leveling after 100 would be a luxury, plus its kind of pointless in the long term other than to have the bragging right of an extra 0 to your numbers.

So really, I think if we get to level 100, after that we should focus more upon alternative means of progression that could be used to expand expansions, rather than using level 110-120-130 etc etc.


The Skill Tiers System:

Kind of like we currently have, we have a system where by you require 5 skill points to advance to the next tier of skills, then 15, then so on and so forth.

I propose, that at level 100 you have an “unlock” system for “prestige” tier abilities, that require you to grind out constant skill points via challenges, levels, other methods, that continue to allow progression after the ultimate number is hit, giving people motivation to unlock more things.

Leveling Changes:

– Heart Quests should have the amount of influence required to fill them reduced, and the amount of XP gained from completing them increased, for those now behind, as well as those who have many alts. This will re-incentive’s people to actually explore the entire world instead of farming a single part of it during LS just to get fast levels.
– Personal Story should be do-able from “any” level regardless of the present system, you should get an immediate boost to level 80 while in personal story zones, and be able to solo the entire thing (considering it is “personal” story) you should also be able to do it from any location on the map.
– Dungeons should have a soloable story mode, rather than a group required version, to allow players that want to explore the DE storyline to have an easier time enjoying it, and getting immersed into it, while explorable mode should be made more challenging, and equally more xp rewarding in contrast.
– I get 2.5 Bars of XP per Keep I capture, 3.5 per Castle and 1.5 Per Tower… this is not significant enough to justify farming it on WvW long term just to hit an XP cap, long story short, every one of these xp amounts should be increased to another bar, upping castle caps to nearly half a level, keep caps to a third, and tower caps to a 1/4 of your level.
– SPvP’s refined system should include an accessibly easier way to reach level cap, via leveling up in PvP, possibly for every rank you attain you get an instant “level up” booster for your chars account bound to one char per boost.

Now for the additions:
– Remake “activities” so that they now give XP to Leveling instead of PvP.
– Add a passive method of increasing XP over time, such as a contribution system to your personal story hub, maybe you can use this to act as player housing, and over time help develop more community based development.
– Add ‘secondary’ personal stories to zones, giving a small mini story quest that offers a moderate boost of xp per zone, maybe there’s more than 1.
– Add more zones to actually level in, instead of making zones level 80. Southsun for example never sees the light of day at all these days, make anyone that goes there instantly boosted to 80 so they can farm it at will for Karka shells and quick Zerging.
– More “types” of dailies, not just a single one but multiple, such as, daily living story, daily dungeon/fractals, daily world exploration etc etc etc, each one completed offers a single level a day.
– Completing a monthly automatically rewards a player with 5 levels.
